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Společnost B&R slaví 25 let na českém trhu

Společnost B&R patří mezi nejvýznamnější inovátory na trhu automatizace. Letos slaví 25 let na českém trhu. Při této příležitosti jsme připravili pětidílný seriál, který zmapuje dosavadní úspěchy naší společnosti.

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B&R's new e-mobility expert takes aim at battery production

As B&R’s new Industry Segment Manager for e-mobility, Ronny Guber offers automation expertise for solving the battery production challenges that come with the shift to electric vehicles.

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Větší bezpečnost mobilních strojů

Společnost B&R rozšířila možnosti své řídicí jednotky X90 také o galvanicky oddělené připojení externích bezpečnostních zařízení.

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More safety for less money

B&R has equipped the ACOPOS P3 servo drive with safe torque determination. This allows the use of numerous safety functions that previously would have required an external sensor.

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For the safety of employees, customers and partners

B&R has canceled its participation in the SPS smart production solutions 2021 trade fair in Nuremberg. The decision has been made in order to protect the health of its employees, customers and partners in light of the current course of the pandemic.

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Additive manufacturing ready for industrial-scale production

Working closely with B&R, Evolve Additive Solutions has succeeded in combining the flexibility of with the volume and quality of injection molding.

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3D printing with precision machined quality

Roboze's 3D printer fully integrates into the industrial production workflow with repeatable high precision and full process control. It reduces lead times and lowers the cost of creating custom metal-replacement components used under extreme…

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Premium performance encapsulated in compact footprint

In close collaboration with automation partner B&R, solid dose pharmaceutical specialist IMA Active created a compact yet full-featured new capsule filler that delivers unprecedented production density.

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100% výkon s polovičními nároky na prostor

Společnost B&R představuje novou řadu PLC: X20 Embedded. PLC kombinují vysoký výkon a četná integrovaná rozhraní ve skříni široké pouhých 55 mm.

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Controller and PC in one device

B&R now equips its PC for mobile machinery with B&R Hypervisor software. This allows the PC to simultaneously serve as a high-performance controller and Windows or Linux PC.

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Vyberte prosím zemi a jazyk

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