Easy line control and monitoring

A convenient line monitoring system can be set up with minimal engineering effort using the APROL process and factory automation system from B&R. The solution is based on OMAC's PackML standard.

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All in one system

With the introduction of openROBOTICS, partners COMAU and B&R are opening up new dimensions of robotics integration for machinery and production lines. The solution is based on a full lineup of COMAU robots that handle payloads ranging from 3 to 650…

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OPC UA companion specification for POWERLINK

B&R customers will now be able benefit from integrating communication from the sensor layer to the ERP layer without any interfaces whatsoever. This will be made possible by a companion specification that is being developed by the OPC Foundation and…

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通过mapp View,贝加莱现在可以提供在工程环境中直接使用广泛的Web技术。自动化工程师第一次拥有他们所需要的所有工具来创建强大且直观的HMI解决方案 – 而且他们不必知道HTML5、CSS和JavaScript就能做到。

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SPS IPC Drives 2015

B&R will be introducing its new mapp View HMI solution at the SPS IPC Drives trade fair (Hall 7 / Booth 206). Here you'll find out what other highlights we have in store for you.

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近日上海佘山索菲特酒店,2015年贝加莱大中华地区用户会议在此隆重召开, 220余位嘉宾聚集一堂,共同探讨新时代的自动化发展与产业融合之道。

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Maximum scalability for agricultural machinery

At Agritechnica, B&R will show how agricultural automation can benefit from a complete hardware portfolio, software modules and a powerful development tool.

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