
Almost every machine needs a user interface. Integrated HMI provides controls and components for designing machine HMI applications. Other functions include unit and language switching as well as adding dynamic features.

  • Overview of B&R HMIHMI ... Human-machine interface products
  • Visualization concepts
  • Designing and configuring an integrated visualization application
  • Displaying and entering process values
  • Display options, style sheets
  • Setting up global and local layers
  • Remote visualization in VNCVNC ... Virtual Network Computing: An open standard for controlling remote computer systems. and terminal mode
  • Language and unit switching, different keypad layouts
  • Alarm system, trends and diagnostics

Dokument som tillhandahålls

TM600 – Introduction to Visualization

TM600 - Introduction to Visualization

Learning objectives and content

  • Definition of HMI
  • Definition of human-machine communication
  • HMI for automation
  • History of HMI in technology
  • Requirements and selection criteria for HMI
  • Introduction to different HMI concepts
  • Getting to know HMI design aspects
  • User groups and authorization
  • Overview of further design information
TM610 – Working with Integrated Visualization

Visual Components is a powerful yet versatile tool within Automation Studio for designing dynamic HMI applications that allow operators to clearly and intuitively view even the most complex real-life industrial processes in graphic form. A visual editor and rich selection of pre-designed controls open up virtually unlimited design possibilities.

Objectives and content

  • Introduction to Visual Components
  • Creating an initial visualization application
  • Working with the Visual Components editor
  • Workspace, visualization structure and help system
  • Creating your own visualization application
  • Managing variables and data points
  • The layering method when designing pages
  • Displaying and entering process values
  • Creating static and dynamic text
  • Language and unit switching
  • Touch and keypad operation
  • Using graphic objects


Model number

TM610 – Working with Integrated Visualization



TM630 – Visualization Programming Guide

An HMI application is designed for a defined purpose and user group. As a result, there are guidelines that must be followed during development in order for the defined purpose to be fulfilled.

Learning objectives and content

  • Project phases and specification
  • Visualization templates
  • Operating concepts and user-oriented development
  • Variables, data points and data management
  • Runtime behavior and integration in the controller
  • Integrated diagnostics and service options
  • Service, modifications and maintenance
  • Documentation and project sharing


Model number

TM630 – Visualization Programming Guide



TM640 – Alarm System, Trends and Diagnostics

A central aspect of a visualization application is how it displays process values, messages and information about the machine status. Other important functions of a visualization application include displaying alarm lists, trend curves and diagnostic data.

Objectives and content

  • Definition of alarm, message and warning
  • Setting up and displaying alarms during runtime
  • Interacting with the alarm system
  • Bit and value alarms
  • Acknowledging and recording alarms
  • Configuring the trend system
  • Displaying online trends
  • Interacting with the trend system
  • Integrating the System Diagnostics Manager into a visualization application
  • Runtime display
  • Interaction with the System Diagnostics Manager


Model number

TM640 – Alarm System, Trends and Diagnostics




SEM210 – Automation Studio Training: Basics

Automation Studio is used to configure and program all B&R controller components. Core issues such as getting a clear overview of all product groups, initial commissioning of a controller, understanding the functions of the runtime environment and being familiar with the options for integrated configuration and diagnostics are decisive.

Learning objectives and content

  • B&R company presentation
  • B&R philosophy and products
  • Using Automation Studio
  • Using the integrated help documentation
  • Establishing an online connection to the control system
  • Initial installation of a controller
  • Project engineering for the hardware configuration
  • Working with the text and table editors
  • Functions and configuration options in Automation RuntimeAutomation Runtime is the operating system that runs on all B&R controllers
  • Runtime and startup behavior of the controller
  • Use of the integrated diagnostics options
  • Overview of available programming languages

Documents provided

TM210 – Arbeiten mit Automation Studio

TM213 – Automation Runtime

TM223 – Automation Studio Diagnose



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Event plats

B&R HQ: Barcelona
Camí de Can Camps, 17-19
Edif. Kibo (Vallsolana Park)

08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés


B&R HQ: Barcelona
Camí de Can Camps, 17-19
Edif. Kibo (Vallsolana Park)
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés

Ytterligare information

Från: 2024-11-21
Start: 08:30

Till: 2024-11-21
Slut: 17:00

Varaktighet: 8 Tider

Språk: Spanska