SafeLOGIC-X – The virtual safety solution from B&R

Scalable safety integration for small applications

SafeLOGIC-X from B&R now brings all the advantages of integrated safety technology to small, cost-sensitive applications as well. This solution covers it all – from safe I/O and drive technology to integrated diagnostics, safe line integration and safe machine options.

Unlimited scalability guarantees system continuity

The SafeLOGIC-X solution is programmed using the SafeDESIGNER editor in Automation Studio, just like the hardware-based SafeLOGIC solution. The advantage: When a system outgrows its SafeLOGIC-X solution, it's no problem to switch to a dedicated SafeLOGIC controller. The safety applications can be scaled and configured to meet the requirements of systems of any size. As safe input and output modules are added to a SafeLOGIC safety controller, existing programming code can simply be reused without having to make a single change. Switching over also doesn't require recertification, another benefit that saves both time and money.

This type of unlimited scalability guarantees system continuity right from the start while also ensuring a uniform approach to engineering and diagnostics – two factors vital to increasing the availability of systems and machines.

Safety functions distributed across existing components

SafeLOGIC-X is solely a software-based solution; extra safety controller hardware is not needed. Whereas safety functions are distributed across existing hardware components on the network, the safety application itself runs on a safe input module. All parameter and configuration management is handled on the standard controller. Safe user interface functionality is even handled by the visualization device. And what's the best thing about the SafeLOGIC-X solution? It can be implemented on every single Automation PC, Panel PC, Power Panel and modular control system from B&R.

Data distribution and monitoring with openSAFETY

The architecture used with SafeLOGIC-X is made possible by the openSAFETY standard. This safety protocol provides communication services that comply with SIL 3 requirements and ensures that parameters and configuration data are safely distributed and monitored over the entire network.


B&R è un'azienda privata con sede centrale in Austria e uffici in tutto il mondo. B&R è un leader globale nel campo dell'automazione industriale e come tale coniuga una tecnologia all'avanguardia con una progettazione avanzata per fornire a clienti di tutti i settori soluzioni complete per l'automazione di macchine e processi, per il controllo di movimento, HMI e tecnologie di sicurezza integrata. Grazie a standard di comunicazione tramite bus di campo industriali come POWERLINK e openSAFETY, nonché al potente ambiente di sviluppo software Automation Studio, B&R ridefinisce costantemente il futuro dell'ingegneria dell'automazione. Lo spirito innovativo che mantiene B&R in prima linea nel campo dell'automazione industriale è sostenuto da un impegno per la semplificazione dei processi e il superamento delle attese dei clienti.

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