
Smart devices such as tablets, smartphones, etc. are considered perfect examples of technology with ultimate usability. Unsurprisingly, operators of industrial machines and systems – and therefore also manufacturers of such equipment – desire nothing less when interacting with the machinery they use every day. With mapp View, B&R now offers access to web technology that can be used to develop HMI systems for B&R automation applications. Application engineers can use mapp View to create powerful and intuitive HMI solutions. The web technology used here is encapsulated with mapp View. Learning a broad field of technology is not necessary. HMI developers can focus entirely on creating a solution for the task at hand.

Remote lectures are held online. Participants will receive an invitation to the virtual classroom via Microsoft Teams. This may require additional registration on the part of the participants.

Participants need a PC with a web browser, microphone and speakers (e.g. USB headset). A second screen and a webcam are recommended, but not mandatory. A stable Internet connection is required.

All exercises are performed in an Automation Runtime Simulation (ArSim).

Learning objectives and content

  • Overview of HMI applications and hardware
  • Understanding mapp View
  • mapp View configuration guide
  • Page creation and navigation
  • Visual appearance - Styling
  • Data binding with OPC UA
  • Integrating media files
  • User role system
  • Localization
  • Events and actions
  • Display alarms, diagrams and data in mapp View
  • Creating efficient mapp View HMI applicationss

Tasks include

  • Participants create concepts for HMI applications.
  • Participants configure HMI applications for machine operation.
  • Participants implement designs for various operator panels.
  • Participants integrate HMI applications in machines.
  • Participants utilize web technology on mobile devices.

Documenti forniti

TM611 – Working with mapp View

TM611 - Working with mapp View

Learning objectives and content

  • Understanding mapp View
  • Page creation and navigation
  • Visual appearance - Styling
  • Data binding with OPC UA
  • Integrating media files
  • User role system
  • Localization
  • Events and actions
  • TM611TRE.4B2-GER
  • TM611TRE.4B2-ENG
TM641 – Display alarms, charts and data in mapp View

mapp View is a powerful yet versatile tool within Automation Studio for designing dynamic HMI applications that allow operators to clearly and intuitively view even the most complex real-life industrial processes in graphic form. A visual editor and pre-designed widgets allow the implementation of individual solutions.

A central aspect of an HMI application is how it displays process values, messages and information about the machine status. Other important functions of an HMI application include displaying alarm lists, trend curves and data management.

Objectives and contents

  • Configuring and displaying alarms
  • Relationship between alarm system and text system
  • Expanded alarm configuration
  • Displaying diagrams
  • Displaying additional data
  • Dynamic graphics


Model number

TM641 – Display alarms, diagrams and data in mapp View



TM671 – Creating efficient mapp View HMI applications

TM671 - Creating efficient mapp View HMI applications

Learning objectives and content

  • Dialog and message boxes
  • Using roles and rights for widgets
  • Animations in the HMI application
  • Tasks with different variable types
  • Exercises with the text system
  • Multi-client / Multi-user
  • Dynamic graphics
  • TM671TRE.4B1-GER
  • TM671TRE.4B1-ENG


SRL210 – Remote Lecture: Automation Studio Basics

Automation Studio is used to configure and program all B&R controller components. Core issues such as getting a clear overview of all product groups, initial commissioning of a controller, understanding the functions of the runtime environment and being familiar with the options for integrated configuration and diagnostics are decisive.

Learning objectives and content

  • B&R company presentation
  • B&R philosophy and products
  • Using Automation Studio
  • Using the integrated help documentation
  • Establishing an online connection to the control system
  • Initial installation of a controller
  • Project engineering for the hardware configuration
  • Working with the text and table editors
  • Functions and configuration options in Automation RuntimeAutomation Runtime is the operating system that runs on all B&R controllers
  • Runtime and startup behavior of the controller
  • Use of the integrated diagnostics options
  • Overview of available programming languages

Documents provided

TM210 – Arbeiten mit Automation Studio

TM213 – Automation Runtime

TM223 – Automation Studio Diagnose

Codice prodotto


Iscriviti al corso Per informazioni sui prezzi, contattare il commerciale di riferimento

Luogo dell'evento

B&R Online (IT)

Remote Lecture


Automation Academy Italia
Via Ruggero Leoncavallo
20020 Cesate

+ 39 / 029320581

Ulteriori informazioni

Da: 22/10/2024
Inizio: 09:30

A: 24/10/2024
Fine: 16:30

Stato della prenotazione:
Durata: 3 giorni

Lingua: Italiano