Learning and teaching materials

Sustainable learning success with a perfect combination of learning formats

Lifelong learning enables innovations and is the key to maintaining competitiveness. In addition to work processes, teaching and learning processes have also undergone a digital transformation in recent decades. The challenge is to find optimally suitable solutions for each individual training participant. B&R therefore offers in-person training, virtual classrooms and efficient self-study.

Training for automation tasks

With B&R's range of seminars, you can expand your automation technology expertise in the long term. After attending a seminar, you will be able to implement efficient automation solutions with B&R systems.

Learning formats at a glance


With our seminars, you can expand your knowledge in the field of automation.


Online courses

Learn independent of location and duration – Discover our online courses as the basis for your self-study

Book an online course

Training modules

These compact modules are based on a uniform didactic concept - The ideal material to accompany the help documentation

Discover training modules

Simulation models

Digital twins and simulation models shorten the development time of machine programs

Simulation models

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