Your can present your project here! Would you like to show others what you are doing? Send us an email with a sketch and a short description of the project. Please note our Contact rules. You can find all details and tips for project presentation here.
Austrian HTL – Linz
Project title: Rapid fluid transport using anti-sloshing
Project presentation
HTL Ried
Project: Controlling center of pull for a plow using an X90 on a tractor
Project presentation
HTL Salzburg
Project: E-powered racing go-kart
Project presentation
HTL Salzburg
Project: Sweeping robot for outdoor area
Project presentation
HTL Braunau
Project: Chicken coop automation
Project presentation
HTL Salzburg
Project: Gesture-controlled robot gripper arm
Project presentation
HTL Vienna 10
Project: DDR expedition vehicle with state-of-the-art automation technology
Project presentation
University of Applied Sciences in Wels
Project name: Singing Cajon
Project name: Additive manufacturing – TriPod
FH Wels
Project name: Ball on Ball
HTBLVA Mödling
Project name: Automation model of an industrial garage door
University of Leoben
Project title: Automating and optimizing a microbrewery
HTBLA Braunau am Inn
Project title: Silo Control
HTBLA Braunau am Inn
Project name: WaterStop