
Gain knowledge through diverse learning formats

You can choose whether you want to learn how to use our solutions and products in a classroom setting, a virtual classroom with support or independently via online courses. Sign up for training today or get started right away with an online course.

Today's automation technology for tomorrow's tasks

With our range of seminars, you can expand your automation technology expertise in the long term. Our learning formats enable effective, flexible and continuous learning. After attending a seminar, you will be able to implement efficient automation solutions with B&R systems. Secure a decisive competitive edge so you can react faster to constantly changing market demands.

Classroom training

An experienced trainer guides you through the learning program. On-site at the desired B&R location. Learn individually or in small groups.

Virtual classroom

A location-independent distance learning program complements the other learning options we offer. An online tutor accompanies you virtually. The emphasis is on self-study.

Online courses

You acquire your knowledge independently and determine the pace and content yourself. Online courses are available at any time and are independent of duration and location.

Do you have questions or were unable to find the seminar you are looking for? Please use our contact form

Training, learning and teaching materials

Engineering Camp
The B&R training program for graduates in technical fields – Future employees build their expertise, expand their network of contacts and improve their soft skills.

Virtual learning environment
Simulation models, digital twins and remote access to hardware expand the virtual classroom – B&R Edition industrialPhysics makes it possible.

Training modules
The basis at B&R for all further seminars – The compact training modules are flexible and can be worked on independently during self-study.

Knowledge Resources
Video-on-Demand - Anytime access to B&R training videos and presentations in our library – Videos for all levels available in English and German.

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