Strategic agreement between Datalogic and B&R

Datalogic Automation is gearing up to adopt low-consumption, high-performance B&R Automation PC 910 systems into its new UX series of vision processors. This is the result of the strategic agreement signed by both market leaders that will see the…

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Expanding to the north

In response to increasing levels of business in the North of England and Scotland, B&R is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Manchester. The new B&R UK Northern office employs three application engineers, including a dedicated B&R…

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Banebrydende innovationer på SPS/IPC/Drives

B&R vil præsentere to banebrydende teknologier på dette års SPS/IPC/Drives messe (hal 7/stand 206). Med mapp teknologi varsler B&R en revolution i udviklingen af automations software. En anden banebrydende nyhed er ACOPOS P3 - som er det hurtigste…

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Kompakt design og høj ydeevne

B&R præsenterer den nye ACOPOS P3 på dette års SPS/IPC/Drives messe. Med en effekttæthed på 4 ampere per liter af rummet, er dette det mest innovative og effektive servodrev med integrerede sikkerhedsfunktioner på markedet. Hvilket også giver…

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Stor ydeevne i lille chassis

Den nye Automation PC 2100 fra B&R forener PC-verdenen med hard real-time applikationer. Takket være den kraftfulde Intel Atom multi-core teknologi kan Automation Runtime og Windows om nødvendigt køre samtidig. Automation PC 2100 kan således både…

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Et kabel til det hele

De nye openSAFETY kontrolpaneler fra B&R giver mulighed for sikker dataudveksling over bussystemet. Med det integrerede openSAFETY interface kommer hard-wiring af nødstop, driftstilstand og startknapper fortiden til.

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IO-Link 1.1 viser vejen det sidste stykke til Industri 4.0

B&R introducerer to nye mastermoduler, der begge bruger IO-Link 1.1 til at kommunikere digitalt med fire intelligente feltenheder: X20DS438A med IP20 kapslingsklasse og X67DS4387A med IP67 kapslingsklasse til brug udenfor kontrolskabet.

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B&R opens subsidiary in Japan

Leading provider of automation technology B&R is proud to announce the opening of its 24th subsidiary – B&R Japan, headquartered in Yokohama and led by Masashi Ono.

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Industrial Ethernet now on Raspberry Pi2

POWERLINK is the first industrial Ethernet protocol to work on the new Raspberry Pi2. Kalycito has implemented openPOWERLINK master and slave with Linux on the 2nd generation of the single-board computer. Raspberry Pi2 was introduced in the spring of…

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